Horrified Observers of Pedestrian Entertainment: A new Spears on the Block




A new Spears on the Block

"(the) secret to her success both as an actress and a person seems to rest in the fact she doesn’t realize she’s beautiful, famous and talented."

Uh, yeah. Well, that's what the executive producer of her show says. If you haven't heard of Jamie Lynn Spears, we hope that many other young people out there are just like you. She is the current star of "All That" - a sketch show that has brought us Amanda Bynes, Nick Cannonm and Kenan Thompson. Kenan Thompson brought us "Fat Albert." Enough said.

She is now the star of her own show on Nickelodeon, and while we will not condemn her for simply being related to the white-trash princess of poop, we do note that this situation deserves monitoring. She' s well on her way to taking the same career path her sister has: right up to and over the cliff of fame.
